Chelsea Gifford, End of Life Doula


Service Area: Denver and surrounding areas

Contact: 970-946-4635


Chelsea was certified as a Death Doula in 2016 with the Conscious Dying Institute. She grew up around death and dying workshops at her house. She is currently receiving her Masters of Divinity at Naropa University, and she volunteers consistently with Elevation Hospice in the Denver area. She is training to be a chaplain and spiritual caregiver for anybody who seeks her care. She dedicates herself to balancing the Divine masculine and feminine with her company ShaktiShiva Project L.L.C. as well as being the author of her book on honeybees, One Colony. Her life radically shifted when she contemplated the last three months of her own life and she now lives with this always in mind.

Services Offered

  • Best 3 Months of Life coaching

  • Vigil in the end of life process