Dana Louise, End of Life Doula

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Service Area: Shoreview, MN

Contact: 612-201-4158


Website: www.PathwayStewards.com

Dana's passion is to spread education about the dying process since this knowledge is no longer culturally being handed down to each generation. Her public speaking helps people understand that they have more choices than they ever knew were available and guides them in preparing for a day that we all must face. Pathway Stewards is her collection of doulas whose varied talents bring a full support system to prepare people who are facing the end of life and their loved ones. Their gifts offer more holistic approaches to the end of life process. During vigil Dana over sees that a sacred space is being held for all. All belief systems are honored here. Her workbook titled "Ducks in a Row" goes over a person's private information and wishes, should the occasion arise where they are unable to speak for themselves no matter what their age might be. It is a thoughtful guide for loved ones to follow that unlocks a person's daily life and end of life wishes should they be needed. She also offers a portal to legal papers for people to complete online so that they can protect valuables, property and medical care.

Services provided:  

Public Speaker, "Ducks In a Row" Workbook, "Protection Power Pack", End of Life Planning, Vigil Support